I love nix2container! It allows you to build docker containers with nix, declaratively, and it even avoids writing large archive files to the disk.

However, there are some pitfalls when using it. Especially, when using it as I do: spelling out the contents of your layers explicitly.

Straight-forward image with explicit layering

Here is a container with bash and zsh included:

{ #...
  layered = nix2container.buildImage {
    name = "layered";
    layers =
      let layerDefs = [
          deps = with nixpkgs; [ readline ];
          deps = with nixpkgs; [ bashInteractive ];
          deps = with nixpkgs; [ zsh ];
      in builtins.map nix2container.buildLayer layerDefs;
    config = {
      Env = [
        (let path = with nixpkgs; lib.makeBinPath [ bashInteractive zsh ];
        in "PATH=${path}")

I love this! So straight-forward! Close to the on-disk format. I feel like having control without the fuzz.

And it works:

❯ docker run -it layered bash
❯ docker run -it layered zsh

How efficient is that image? Does it contain duplicate files? Let's ask dive:

❯ dive --ci layered
  Using default CI config
Image Source: docker://layered
Fetching image... (this can take a while for large images)
Analyzing image...
  efficiency: 40.9436 %
  wastedBytes: 142845873 bytes (143 MB)
  userWastedPercent: 126.2491 %
Inefficient Files:
Count  Wasted Space  File Path
    3         14 MB  /nix/store/c0hkzndf6i162jymxmlirn9l6ypv7p3c-glibc-2.38-23/share/i18n/locales/cns11643_stroke
    3         10 MB  /nix/store/c0hkzndf6i162jymxmlirn9l6ypv7p3c-glibc-2.38-23/share/i18n/locales/iso14651_t1_common
    3        6.1 MB  /nix/store/c0hkzndf6i162jymxmlirn9l6ypv7p3c-glibc-2.38-23/lib/libc.so.6

Oh. That is not so great. What happened here?

bashInteractive and zsh share some dependencies. I already tried to factor out readline which also uses glibc. But still, nix2container repeats all store paths, even if present in earlier layers.

Why is that?

nix2container.buildLayer builds each layer independently, nix2container.buildImage assembles them in one image.

Deduplicating common dependencies (manually)

How do we make a layer aware of previous layers? We use the layers attribute of buildLayer:

{ #...
  layeredDeduplicated = nix2container.buildImage {
    name = "layered";
    layers =
        commonLayer = {
          deps = with nixpkgs; [ readline ];
      layerDefs = [
          deps = with nixpkgs; [ bashInteractive ];
          layers = [ (nix2container.buildLayer commonLayer) ];
          deps = with nixpkgs; [ zsh ];
          layers = [ (nix2container.buildLayer commonLayer) ];
      in builtins.map nix2container.buildLayer layerDefs;
    config = {
      Env = [
        (let path = with nixpkgs; lib.makeBinPath [ bashInteractive zsh ];
        in "PATH=${path}")

Let's have a look at dive's opinion on this:

Image Source: docker://layered
Fetching image... (this can take a while for large images)
Analyzing image...
  efficiency: 100.0000 %
  wastedBytes: 0 bytes (0 B)
  userWastedPercent: 0.0000 %
Inefficient Files:
Count  Wasted Space  File Path
  PASS: highestUserWastedPercent
  SKIP: highestWastedBytes: rule disabled
  PASS: lowestEfficiency
Result:PASS [Total:3] [Passed:2] [Failed:0] [Warn:0] [Skipped:1]

Dive is super happy! Nice!

Deduplication (automatic)

Wouldn't it be nice if later layers always skipped all store paths already contained in earlier layers?

This being nix, this is easy to generalize:

{ # ...
  # Nest all layers so that prior layers are dependencies of later layers.
  # This way, we should avoid redundant dependencies.
  foldImageLayers = let
    mergeToLayer = priorLayers: component:
      assert builtins.isList priorLayers;
      assert builtins.isAttrs component; let
        layer = nix2container.buildLayer (component
          // {
            layers = priorLayers;
        priorLayers ++ [layer];
    layers: lib.foldl mergeToLayer [] layers;

Each layer will reference all prior layers in the layers attribute. This might be problematic with a large number of layers -- but hasn't been problematic so far for me. I am sure one can optimize it.

Putting foldImageLayers to good use:

{ # ...
  layeredDeduplicatedAutomatic = nix2container.buildImage {
    name = "layeredAutomatic";
    layers = 
      let layerDefs = [
        { deps = with nixpkgs; [ readline ]; }
        { deps = with nixpkgs; [ bashInteractive ]; }
        { deps = with nixpkgs; [ zsh ]; }
      in foldImageLayers layerDefs;
    config = {
      Env = [
        (let path = with nixpkgs; lib.makeBinPath [ bashInteractive zsh ];
        in "PATH=${path}")

This results again in a docker image without any redundant store paths! Dive is happy and so are we: We explicitly define the contents of each layer but automatically exclude all duplicate store paths!

The end

Note that nix2container supports layering your dependencies automatically using the algorithm described here. Check out the maxLayers setting.

I like to have more control but maybe fully automatic is the best? I'm curious to hear your thoughts on the automatic vs. manual control in Docker container optimization. What has been your approach?

Feel free to get in touch with me with the information shared on my GitHub profile: kolloch


I am for sure not the first one that stumbled upon this. Initially, the discussion issue #41 of nix2container pointed me into the right direction!